Dog Star, Be the Light

Animals, especially dogs, teach us more about resilience than any self-help book or Google search. Like the people Christie was born to serve, her destiny was changed the moment she took a wrong step while playing with her kennel mates. My dream for her was quashed. But we can always find a job to do, a way to be of service that helps others. 

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Kerry Kriseman
Cultivating a rewarding career in the nonprofit arts industry

Many who work in the non-profit industry found their way there because of their innate desire to help others. Many professions allow us to improve the lives of others by virtue of the tasks required to do the job. Some that come to mind are nurses, doctors, fire fighters, police officers, mental health counselors and teachers. I didn’t envision a career in the non-profit arts industry when I accepted my diploma from University of South Florida.

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Kerry Kriseman
They Told Me I Was Dying: Why Doctors' Words Matter

I’ve often thought about that day and why I persisted in the face of such a dire diagnosis, given so casually. I thank my thick skin from being a political spouse; my husband, Rick Kriseman, is finishing his second term as the mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida. I thank my faith. And, I thank my privilege. It’s easier to fight when you have better-than-average health insurance. I never worried about paying for my care. 

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Announcing my private health crisis

Even before my husband was mayor in 2014, I knew a lot of people. This was my personal health crisis. I was slowly adjusting to my new status as a cancer patient. Thankfully, a 3-hour surgery successfully removed 3 tumors and a few organs and lymph nodes. On the day of my first chemotherapy treatment, a reporter from the local newspaper asked why Rick was out of the office for “family business.”

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Kerry Kriseman