Building Your Writing Support System

Aspiring authors embarking on the journey of writing their memoirs often find themselves navigating uncharted waters. I remember the feelings that bubbled up daily when I started to write Accidental First Lady.

Uncertainty and vulnerability were regular visitors. I teetered between wanting to keep my project to myself and summoning every expert writer I knew who might be able to provide guidance.

Somehow, I landed in a sweet spot. I curated a brief list of trusted friends and authors with whom I would share my ideas, then an early chapter or two. What I first shared looks vastly different than what’s in the book, but I had to start somewhere.

Embracing a support system is not a sign of weakness. Like any good leader who assembles a qualified team to support a vision, authors should craft what you could call a personal board of directors. A support system can be a sounding board, a cheerleading squad, and a reality check when we need it.

Those we invite into our writing realm are the ones who help us stay the course, believe in our project, and cross the finish line holding our published book in our hands.

As a published author who’s navigated this journey, it has been a privilege to help others as they cross the hurdles that can stand in the way of realizing writing dreams and reaching goals. I’ve realized one undeniable truth: community and connection are the lifeblood of the memoirist's journey.

Recently, I hosted a Facebook Live session where I shared my experiences from the writing trenches - the struggles, triumphs, and joy of being an author. It was a moment of vulnerability, a glimpse into my own journey from uncertainty to empowerment.

I also addressed some of the most frequent questions I’m asked, like how to find inspiration, how to push past moments of self-doubt, and how to create a supportive writing environment.

If you missed the Facebook Live, I invite you to grab a tasty beverage, settle into a cozy spot, and watch the replay below.

I plan to host live events again. I enjoyed engaging in real time with writers and authors. I’ll be sure to let you know when I go live again. I’ll post it on my Facebook Page, which you can find HERE.

Since this message is about building a support system through community, I have another invitation for you: Join my Facebook Group, Make Memoir Magic using this LINK. It's a place where aspiring authors come together to share their stories, their struggles, and their successes. It's a haven where vulnerability is celebrated, where fears are conquered, and where dreams take flight.

In Make Memoir Magic, you'll find kindred spirits, each on their own unique journey of self-discovery and storytelling. Whether you're just starting out or you've already penned the last chapter of your memoir, there's a place for you here - a place where you belong.

Together, we'll celebrate the beauty of imperfection, the courage to share our truths, and the transformative power of storytelling. Together, we'll navigate the highs and lows of the memoir writing process, lifting each other up and cheering each other on every step of the way.

So, if you're ready to embark on this incredible journey - to find your voice, share your story, and make memoir magic - join me!

As always, I’m cheering you on!


Kerry Kriseman